So I have put creating a color image of Eniola on hold for a while, but I have not been resting on my laurels for the past few weeks. Eniola is a Zbrush sculpt only at the moment and not really animation friendly and for some time I've really wanted to practice a range of animation principles with a humanoid character. I will also be attending Siggraph from August 4th to the 6th, and I wanted another character to add to my portfolio for the job fair there.
Anyway Jupiter Jonah is a great character that my brother, Shobo Coker created a while ago for a comic of the same name. He is currently working on it and has some fantastic images of the characters on his blog
here and
here. I decided to put my spin on Jonah. Here are my concept sketches with some actual 3d models and sculpts, and animation tests soon to come. So here he is folks, my version of the intrepid Jupiter Jonah: Space Faring African!