Monday, July 7, 2008

Oro Iwin: Fere Baale

This fellow was a fun one to illustrate and his name literally translates to 'Flute Landlord.' He is similar to the Pied Piper except that instead of mice this Iwin Oro leads humans deep into the forest with his his ethereal tune to be transformed into one of his enigmatic race. All that hear his mesmeric tune never leave the forest again.


art said...
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art said...

I know i said that millions of times, but i must repeat myself again. Your drawing looks amazing. I especially love how bold and confident you are with using the materials.

I can't take my eyes from the hands. Did you use yours as a reference?..

Shof Coker said...

Thanks Alla, but no I didn't use my hands as reference. It took me a while to get the hands the way I wanted (esp. the left one), but I realized a lot of the flutist's expression is there so I focussed a lot of attention on them.

Lauren Rae Holtermann said...

Man, this is SAH-WEET

DaKoda Davis said...

Kenneth, the drawing looks incredible. The composition is working very well. Are you planning to do a color version? Hope the internship is going well.

Shof Coker said...

Thanks for the positive remarks guys. I will be doing color versions much later on, but for now they will be B&W.