Friday, August 17, 2012


A couple years ago Shobo and I decided to pitch an animated TV show to an African TV network. The working title was Ekologue with the story set in the near future of Lagos, Nigeria and the currently under construction, Eko city. We had plot outlines, a show bible, character breakdowns, and quite a bit of visual development completed. The pitch ended up being a success, but for now the project has been shelved for various reasons. I thought I'd share some of the visual development that resulted from the project. Ekologue promised to cover a good breadth of the Nigerian human perspective and best of all, a look at how Lagosians would spin sci-fi tropes in their own unique way.
I finished a few more pieces illustrating set pieces that gave you a better idea of the world these characters lived in, but some other time maybe. Enjoy.


gemini82 said...

Any chance of posting the show bible? Personally would love to take a look at it, would make a good case study for pitching an animated series.

Unknown said...

I wish this had taken off. It would have been such a welcome change to the stuff they show on Nigerian TV.

lindsey olivares said...

looks great! Hope it gets picked up again!

Shof Coker said...

@gemini82- Thanks for your interest.Because the show still has a chance of getting picked up again I won't be publishing the show bible any time soon.

@Sharon- Thanks for the kind words. I hope you'll be there in the front row, when my brother and I eventually release a finished story.

@Lindsey- Thanks! Couldn't have been happier for you when I read about your decision to leave PDI and start freelancing. I've no doubt it'll work out nicely for you. Loving the new animated vignettes.

Deocliciano Okssipin Vieira, aka Ochyming said...

Truly amazing work.