Sunday, December 22, 2013

Coker CoOp

Here's visual development for a short comic my brother and I are working on for the new year. It's a tale from the Jonahverse. Layouts and more visual development work for it are done and I'm so excited to start work on it. We've set up a site that will serve as a news hub for all things Jonah related. There will be lots of goodies coming to the site in the future so keep an eye out. We're CokerCoOp. Which includes Funlola (my sister), Shobo (brother) and I.
For now though, Christmas with the family. Happy holidays everyone!

Update: If you'd like to view a process blog post of this image head over to this link. I detail thoughts on color and decision making from the sketch phase to the final image.


Deocliciano Okssipin Vieira, aka Ochyming said...

Lovely, looks awesome.

Happy holidays.

Ken said...

I'm backing the Kickstarter now, and I am using this amazing pic as my computer's background! Congrats on a successfully funded project, I can't wait to read the story, and share it with my nieces & nephews.

Shof Coker said...

Hi Ken! Thanks for the kind words and the support. I hope you'll let me know what you think of the finished book and what your nieces and nephews think of it too.